I do not doubt that there are wise men from other tribes,
For History, is hardly news.
And wiser words were never spoken:
"Until you walk a mile in his shoes."
Until you walk a mile in my shoes,
You will never know my life.
Until you fight my many struggles,
You will never know my strife.
Until your tongue is cut from your mouth,
You will never know my shame.
Until your Mother, Sister, and Daughters are raped,
You will never know my pain.
Until thieves come in the night and kill your family,
You will never know my sorrow.
Until all that you have is stolen and you are left locked in a closet,
You will never know my tomorrow.
Until you see the Rivers, the Trees, the Essence of Life,
Mother Earth, slowly become DEAD,
And fight to preserve Her Precious Gifts …
You will never know what it's like to be RED. | RM