Such a poser…
Such a poser!
Is anything real?
Leaving - making - re•moving
Marks – scars
And what about tats?
Marking line ~ leaving lines ~ re•moving lines?
Straight lines becoming bent lines
Connections connecting
Oblique words arching ~ over arching
Becoming full circles
Concentric circles of concern; circles of influence; circles of power!
I remember as a child:
Father talking to a realtor reluctant to rent to
A “migrant” family with children.
Her biggest concern?..
Children who marked up the walls with drawings!
The whitebread society, with homogenized mentality,
Dictating that “normal” children did not!
Desecration ~ assimilation ~ your choice.
I wonder what history would look like if great-grandfather
Had used a realtor!
The scar of progression
So blatantly hidden from sight
Like footprints on the moon.
Scars you cannot see ~ marks meant 2B.
I remember the first time I was booked …
Any identifying marks, scars or tattoos?
It seemed emancipation was merely a proclamation.
A right a court had to grant
Not one meant to be freely taken!
I was fingerprinted and ultimately made a ward of the courts.
Talk about an unforeseen lasting scar!
Folklore has it, if you leave your mark while imprisoned
You are doomed to revisit it.
I’d think twice about where to leave your marks.
So what of legacy…?
My ancestors carved, chiseled out in stone, spirals ~ concentric rings
That charted, indeed mapped the awe and wonder of the universe.
While others drew on walls, left caves marked with pictures…
Such treasures!
My tribute:
I remember as an young man seeing the first of many treasure maps. While the riches to be discovered varied, they all held one thing in common … two lines crossing ~ X marking the site to discover said treasure. May my marks bring riches to your life … I promise you will find them when you see where I seem to cross the lines! | RM