The node crossroads this sturdy pine.
Select the branch that will lead,
and cut away its competitor.
Thumb and index rub
away hormone-spiked needles, stunting growth
in one place,
letting two branches flourish in another.
They will grow into a lacy cloud to live in harmony
with the pine shelves below.
The tree achieves a pleasing shape
in the landscape.
The pruning was considered,
but there was no right answer.
There was no winning.
When you are chosen
the focus is the victory
of continuing the journey to the sky.
I feel the snip
of those sharp,
pointed scissors,
the abrasion of needles
plucked away.
There is no doubling back,
nothing left
for this branch discarded at my feet.
It is second.
Standing before
a tree that will never
reach its full height,
I remember two branches
and a choice.
I remember the snip
and the falling away.
I remember the way the
crunch of footsteps
grew more quiet
in this garden. | TDS