It seems I’ve screamed ten
thousand times,
trying hard to stop, and listen
for that sound of you.
A message to my heart
for me to stop and rest.
But me, I thought I was the best.
There was nothing you could do.
My soul was sold, no parting.
My best friend and I were one.
Traveling the sights of the world,
exploring — on new adventures,
not a care in the world.
No time left for family
feelings, and emotions hung to dry.
All the times she offered help,
stood by me, scared I’d die.
Crushing her heart into pieces,
leaving her restless with no sleep,
I have hurt her, caused pain.
All the times, I didn’t care
I was destroying all of me:
all I could be,
all of who I wanted to be.
All the times, I refused to leave,
staying hooked on my drug.
I’ve broken free today.
All those times are dead and gone.
I am a new me, Mom,
and I am free to be me! | KJ