It started with one strand of grass in the hand of a thinker.
A thinker, whose entire body had been liberated from the falsifications of wants & needs.
As the thinker sat moving the strand of grass between the fingers . . . he smiled.
Adding another strand, and another, the thinker observed a natural bonding structure.
It started with one strand in the liberated hand of the thinker.
It grew into the weaving together of other materials creating . . . producing woven man-made structures – blankets, clothing, and shelter.
The weaving became the ally of all thinkers, creating a tapestry for . . this and that.
They began a weaving together of humanity, bond held together by ideals and comforts wrapped in the folds of time.
The liberated hands of the thinker – weaving together the healing rooms and spaces.
Healing generational wounds that claw, rip and tear at the tender fabrics of the common goals to protect the children’s tomorrows.
It started with that single strand of grass in the liberated hands . . . | SLJ
He was happy and free as he sat working that grass, never knowing what it would be. But it IS what is Shall be, born from happy and free.
Someone somewhere started something. What might we start? Great piece!