A man of principal is a man
subjective — a submissive to structure
and citadel. (At least for most
points in his life.) Pressure to do
what is right ethically, morally is
often used in a twist of the
tongue to control him, to guide
his moral compass. Keep him believing.
Principal is law. Not laws of
God, but laws of men. Talk to power
casually, respectfully with humility, most
of all when speaking truth, mind
your place. Small minds often belittle
grand ideas. To be little great men,
men of meaning, men of something more,
men worth remembering, in one moment
all is exposed. The truth that
separates covert power, from doubt,
doubt unquestionably sets in tingling echoes
over his body. His nerves, shivering
with a fever of the harsh regretful
reality. So monumental, the words can
barely escape thoughts. To dare is to
step aside, to step aside is to die.
Say the words………THEY ARE
WRONG… There, it’s done and just like
that, a principled man has become irrational.
Loose hair. The last straw,
to brake the horses back. So…
what now, what does he do now?
Free slaves? Fight tyranny?
Run, hide in a new life created
by false identifications and pretend
the greatest organized collective
isn’t at every doorstep. To hand
everything back offering safe passage
for cooperation. What now…
what man does, he becomes…
I say, think of who you know him
to be now. Think of how you
feel when you come to know his name.
Father Valentine. The hearts of few. | LH
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