9 months ago today
you passed away.
For 9 months you nourished me in your body
Took care as an expecting mama bear.
Taking care of yourself
For 9 months,
You carried me in your body’s belly.
9 months ago today
you passed on
To another world’s light
To another world’s energy.
Re-Born in Re-Birth
This was the first Mother’s Day with you gone
I Cried on
I Prayed on
I Sang on
Many songs for your spirit traveling.
9 months ago, and I still don’t quite know how to let go.
I feel as a shaky-legged newborn
Lost in an upside-down—
Turn around world
9 months ago today
You passed away.
A tiny bird flies around the pond,
I think of you.
For 9 months I’m still calling, as
The world
The universe
The heartbeat keeps calling.
All around are the poundings of sounds.
Not knowing what is real anymore.
Not knowing what is real anymore.
May 16 + Nine-Moons maternity
Love is forever.
Eternity. | NJB