When I think of love, I imagine children of all species. Humans are most often conceived in love, according to my elderly mindset. If not, they are equally filled to the brim with love and purity — proven by the sweet, unique smell of a baby’s head and soft skin. The scent of another miracle.
The miraculous special ingredient of love is the only important thing in the universe. Everything else is ephemeral (short lived.) Memories of a loved one are passed on through generations. Unconditional love for a child is given, regardless of age.
A kangaroo in Australia is so fortunate to have the pouch where she can hold her baby close. I’d like to be a kangaroo and after my child ventures out, I could use pouch as a flexible receptable for my thoughts. I would stuff it with written paper of everything I love — like tree dream tags containing wisdom and my wishes, prayers, and family tree genealogy. It could supplement the compartment in my brain. The totality of existing things is love, past and present.
Love allows us to roam the vistas of the mind. Delve deep within yourself and go forward being conscious of how to behave and better spread love that is patient and kind to all.
The time for miracles is now. | CS