The house is no Longer physically
Standing in that space …
I can still see the chipped painted cement
and wooden stairs leading to dual front doors.
Overlooking the concrete patio, I can still see
the windowsill, that supported momma’s weight
as she yelled those warnings to us playing outside.
I still see the wooden fence to the backyard,
missing so many slats, its gate was useless.
I think about the two walnut trees in front of the house,
that withstood the Columbus Day storm...
forming a representation of the resilient of a community.
I still see the 1963 Red Buick hugging the curb at 416 N.
Blandena ...
That house is no longer
Physically standing. The surrounding
condos — stirs no feelings of home
I still see and feel the cracked
sidewalks that took skin from my knees... | SLJ