Yellow lines – yellow lines
How great the task to but define
The power you possess.
You force from darkness to the light
The fading shadows of terror’s night …
With ease you gain success.
You kiss with dew the morning rose;
Inspire poets to written prose:
That lauds the break of dawn.
You warm the cockles of my heart;
Greet the world at each day’s start:
While time goes marching on…
Like loving arms you stretch – embrace;
Bring beauty to the commonplace
Then languish in the sky.
Your deed, now done, does consummate
Nature’s true and splendid trait…
The scene soon passes by.
At setting sun, on shadeless shore
You spread as arms once more.
You hug the dying day.
As dusk draws near – farewell you bid
Your face, from sight, now hid.
Yellow lines – yellow lines –
Simply fade away. | RM