A stone — Grass and weed surround.
A field — Labs of grey abound.
One legacy — Condensed to hollow words.
Etched in stone — Never spoken, never heard.
Of all the family left to dwell upon this solemn Earth,
There stands a child — but only one — of three were given birth,
Who dares to care and overlook his father's loathsome deed,
For which he paid a weighty cost that deprived the son of needs.
An echo — The sound of words most wise.
A memory — The last remaining tie.
A cardboard box — Paperbound words imprisoned.
No consolation — Irreplaceable is time miss-given.
No tears — Eyes dried up and red.
Gentle smile — No tears left to shed.
The only parent to truly care, but all too late and never there,
With constant contact's only bond, to guide this young man's life along,
Communicating frequently, though from a distance, never seen,
And in the end left only thoughts, a box of fiction, not worth squat. | WP